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Ensuring Safety: A Collaborative Approach for Solar Water Heaters

Ensuring Safety: A Collaborative Approach for Solar Water Heaters

Date :- 6 June 2023

Ensuring Safety: A Collaborative Approach for Solar water heaters have gained popularity as an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for heating water. Placing these heaters on terraces maximizes exposure to sunlight, enhancing their efficiency. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety, considering both the customer’s perspective and the manufacturer’s responsibilities. In this blog, we will explore the various safety measures that should be considered, focusing on the importance of quality control and compliance with safety standards.

Customer’s Safety Perspective:

As a responsible customer, there are several aspects to consider when installing a solar water heater on your terrace to ensure the safety of your family, particularly children.

Proper Placement: When choosing a location for the solar water heater, ensure it is away from the reach of children. Placing it on the terrace, where access is restricted, minimizes the risk of accidents.

Secure Installation: It is essential to hire professional technicians who can install the solar water heater securely. The system should be anchored firmly to prevent any movement or instability during adverse weather conditions. Dealers and professional technicians must take the necessary precautions during installation:-

  • Fill the system with cold water always in the morning before 9 AM.
  • Do not supply cold water into the empty system during afternoon hours. Due to sudden temperature changes into ETC, tubes may break.

Protective Enclosures: To provide an extra layer of safety, consider installing protective enclosures around the solar water heater. These enclosures can prevent accidental contact with hot surfaces and act as a barrier for children.

Safety Signage: Display clear and concise safety signage near the solar water heater, indicating the potential risks and precautions to be taken. This helps to create awareness and promotes safe practices within your household.

Manufacturer’s Approach and Quality Control:

Manufacturers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of solar water heaters. By adhering to quality control measures and following safety standards, they can provide customers with reliable and secure products.

Compliance with BIS Standards: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has set guidelines and safety standards for solar water heaters. Manufacturers should ensure that their products meet these standards, particularly in terms of leakage prevention and tank durability.

Leak-proof Design: Quality control measures should focus on designing solar water heaters that are leak-proof. This includes using high-quality materials, reliable joints, and proper welding techniques to prevent any leakage of hot water.

Corrosion Resistance: Solar water heater tanks are susceptible to corrosion due to continuous exposure to water. Manufacturers should employ crystal blue glass lining coatings within the tanks to prevent corrosion. Regular quality checks should be conducted to ensure the durability of these coatings.

Thorough Testing: Before a solar water heater is released into the market, manufacturers should subject their products to thorough testing. This includes testing the system’s efficiency, durability, and safety features. Only after successful completion of these tests should the product be made available to customers.


Safety should always be a top priority when it comes to installing solar water heaters. Both customers and manufacturers have important roles to play in ensuring a secure and reliable system. Customers must take necessary precautions during installation, while manufacturers need to adhere to quality control measures and comply with safety standards like the BIS guidelines. By working together, we can harness the benefits of solar water heaters while prioritizing the safety of our loved ones and creating a sustainable future.
